In my experience troubleshooting PHP errors on Windows computers, one common issue that arises is the oci.dll file being missing.

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Understanding the Issue

To fix the PHP error “oci.dll missing” on a Windows computer, you need to first ensure that the Oracle Instant Client is installed on your system. If it is not already installed, download and install the Oracle Instant Client from the official Oracle website.

Once the Oracle Instant Client is installed, you will need to locate the oci.dll file in the installation directory. The file is typically located in the “bin” folder within the Oracle Instant Client directory.

Copy the oci.dll file and paste it into the PHP directory on your Windows computer. This will ensure that PHP can locate the oci.dll file when it is needed to connect to an Oracle database.

After copying the oci.dll file, restart your web server to apply the changes. Your PHP error should now be resolved, and you should be able to connect to Oracle databases without any issues on your Windows computer.

Installing Necessary Components

  • Download the Oracle Instant Client from the official website.
  • Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a specific folder on your computer.
  • Open the extracted folder and locate the oci.dll file.
  • Copy the oci.dll file and paste it into the PHP directory where the error is occurring.
  • Restart your computer to apply the changes and verify if the error is fixed.

Configuring Your Environment

To fix the PHP error “oci.dll missing” on a Windows computer, you will need to configure your environment by setting the correct path for the Oracle Instant Client.

1. Download the Oracle Instant Client from the official website.

2. Extract the files to a folder on your computer.

3. Add the path to the Oracle Instant Client folder to the system environment variables.

This can be done by going to Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.

4. Under System variables, find the “Path” variable and click “Edit”.

5. Add the path to the Oracle Instant Client folder to the list of paths.

6. Click “OK” to save the changes.

7. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

After completing these steps, the “oci.dll missing” error should be resolved and PHP should be able to locate the necessary files for Oracle connectivity on your Windows computer.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

To fix the PHP error “oci.dll missing” on a Windows computer, first check if the Oracle Instant Client is properly installed. If not, download and install the correct version from the official Oracle website.

Once the Oracle Instant Client is installed, navigate to the PHP installation directory. Look for the “php.ini” file and open it using a text editor.

Search for the line “;extension=oci8_12c” in the php.ini file. Remove the semicolon at the beginning of the line to uncomment it.

Next, locate the “extension_dir” directive in the php.ini file and ensure that it points to the correct directory where the oci8_12c.dll file is located.

Save the changes to the php.ini file and restart the Apache or IIS server for the changes to take effect.

After restarting the server, the PHP error “oci.dll missing” should be resolved on your Windows computer.


How do I fix a missing DLL on my computer?

To fix a missing DLL on your computer, you can try re-installing the software, running malware scanning, using system file checker, checking for Windows Updates, or doing a System Restore.

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