In this article, I will discuss common reasons why VLOOKUP may not be working and how to fix the #N/A error that often occurs.

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Resolving Lookup Value Errors

To resolve lookup value errors in Microsoft Excel, start by checking if the lookup value exists in the lookup table. If it doesn’t, you will encounter the #N/A error.

Double-check the spelling and formatting of the lookup value to ensure it matches the data in the lookup table exactly.

If the lookup value is stored as text in one cell and as a number in another, you will need to convert one of them to match the other.

Make sure the lookup table is within the correct range and that the lookup value falls within the specified range.

If the lookup table is in a different worksheet, use the format ‘Sheet1!A1:B10’ to specify the table range.

If you are using VLOOKUP in an array formula, ensure that you press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to confirm the formula as an array formula.

Addressing Exact Match and Sorting Issues

Issue Description Solution
Exact Match When using VLOOKUP, the function by default looks for an exact match. If the lookup value is not found, it returns a #N/A error. Add the fourth argument in the VLOOKUP function as FALSE to find an exact match.
Sorting If the data in the lookup table is not sorted in ascending order, VLOOKUP may return incorrect results or a #N/A error. Sort the lookup table in ascending order based on the lookup column to ensure accurate results.

Solutions for Inserted or Modified Columns

For inserted or modified columns causing issues with VLOOKUP, there are a few solutions you can try. One common issue is that the column reference in the VLOOKUP formula may have shifted due to adding or deleting columns. To fix this, adjust the column reference in the formula to match the new location.

Another solution is to check if the range_lookup argument in the VLOOKUP formula is set correctly. This argument determines whether an exact match or an approximate match is required. Make sure to set the range_lookup argument to FALSE for an exact match if needed.

If the VLOOKUP is still not working, double-check the formatting of the lookup value in both the source data and the lookup range. Ensure that they are in the same format and that there are no hidden characters causing discrepancies.

Lastly, if the VLOOKUP is still returning #N/A errors, consider using an IFERROR function to display a custom message or value instead of the error. This can help make your spreadsheet more user-friendly and informative.

Overcoming #N/A and #VALUE! Errors

To troubleshoot the #N/A error in VLOOKUP, first check if the lookup value exists in the table you are referencing. Double-check the formatting and ensure there are no extra spaces or characters that may be causing the error. If the lookup value is not found in the table, Excel will return the #N/A error.

Next, make sure the column index number in your VLOOKUP formula is correct. If the column number is greater than the number of columns in your table, Excel will return the #VALUE! error. Adjust the column index number to match the actual number of columns in your table.

If you are using VLOOKUP with a range that includes merged cells, this could also cause the #VALUE! error. Unmerge any cells in the range you are looking up to avoid this issue.

Lastly, consider using IFERROR function to handle errors more gracefully. By wrapping your VLOOKUP formula in an IFERROR function, you can display a custom message or value instead of the error.

Handling Duplicates and Formatting Discrepancies

    Handling Duplicates and Formatting Discrepancies

  • Remove duplicates in the lookup and reference columns to ensure there is only one unique value for each entry.
  • Check for formatting discrepancies such as extra spaces, different capitalization, or special characters that may be causing the VLOOKUP function to return an error.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my VLOOKUP formula not working?

Your VLOOKUP formula may not be working due to errors in the formula, incorrect cell references, data format issues, or security settings. Double-check these factors to troubleshoot the issue.

Why is my VLOOKUP working incorrectly?

Your VLOOKUP may be working incorrectly because you may have forgotten to specify whether Excel should do an Exact or Approximate match. Make sure to double-check this criteria to ensure the accuracy of your results.

Why is VLOOKUP showing formula and not value?

VLOOKUP is showing a formula instead of a value because either Show Formulas has been accidentally enabled or Excel is interpreting the formula as text.

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